Meet the author: Rafael Muñoz Zayas

Meet the author of «Bulgarų kalbos mokytoja / Aprendizaje», Rafael Muñoz Zayas.
Poet and novelist Rafael Muñoz Zayas (Panama, 1972) is the author of poetry books Leucemias infinitas (Virazón, Málaga, 1996), Canto del mal soldado (Ayuntamiento de Málaga, Colección Monosabio, 2000), Sones de dicha (2001), the winner of Ronda City Poetry award. In 2004, he was awarded in the IV Competition of José María Martín Carpena for the best short story. In 2006 he debuted with his first novel Malestar (Kailas, Madrid). His most recent published works are Tierra de provisión (Libros del aire, Madrid, 2013) and Los astronautas de verdad no regresan a casa (Editorial PreTextos, 2019).
The bilingual limited edition of «Bulgarų kalbos mokytoja / Aprendizaje» is a new, previously unpublished book of poems, created in collaboration with Dead Shirt Society, translator Dovilė Kuzminskaitė and artist José Medina Galeote.
For more information visit the authors website: